
When the enemy tries to come against you, remember that in Christ you are VICTORIOUS!!!

The Bible tells us that when the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him. Isaiah 59:19.  That standard is the Word of God!  The Holy Spirit raises that standard!! We have the Spirit of God in us because we have Christ in us!! Because of Christ, we are victorious.  When the Holy Spirit raises the standard against the enemy, it sends the devil running. Therefore you will not be a victim of the schemes of the enemy when you stand on the Word!! Change your view from one of a victim mentality to one of a VICTOR when you believe God at His Word!!

From victim to VICTOR! You are not a victim of the enemies’ schemes because you are victorious and saved from destruction according to the Word of God! Know it, believe it, and live it!!!
— Angela Adkins

The Word of God says in Romans 8:31-32, “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”  If God is for you, who can be against you...and win? No one!  We win because of God!! God gave His Son Jesus to make us victorious and to give us abundant life! (John 10:10) Scripture goes on to say in Romans 8:32, that because of Christ, God with Him will freely give us all things. Meaning victory and abundant life.  Salvation, deliverance, and healing are our portions. We are saved, delivered, and HEALED!! Walk-in that truth, walk victoriously!!! Because you have Christ in you, you are victorious!!  You have the Healer abiding in you!! When you believe and know that truth, it will manifest in your life, in your body, and in your circumstance!!! God will turn it all around for your good and His glory!!

From victim to VICTOR! You are not a victim of the enemies’ schemes because you are victorious and saved from destruction according to the Word of God! Know it, believe it, and live it!!!

God bless you!!

Angela Adkins

Angela is a Speaker, Writer, Certified Biblical Health Coach, Mentor and Leader. She is also a Representative and Victim Advocate for MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). Angela is a victim/survivor of a DUI crash. She shares her story to impact society by warning folks not to drink and drive, as well as bragging about our supernatural God. Her message revolves around the dangers of drunk driving and the incredible faithfulness of God to heal and restore. Her great hope is for many to join her on her Miracle Road.
